through exchange
associate, 2011
Ανταλλαγ[οί], 2012
It is a common thing nowadays for personal computers to be placed in every house ready to be used at any time. Personal computers are there to provide access to the infinite world of electronic information. This immediate access to a new, vast and unexplored world of possibilities is exhausted only to the natural limits that the user sets each time they are online. Since the computer has long now become synonymous with the meaning of archive, the user also becomes a potential part of this unlimited and periodical Library of Babel (J.L.Borges).
The collection on which I am presently working on consists in seeking on the Internet works of art that represent rabbits and at the same time creating a theme collection with its core being the theme of exchange. The archetypal origin of the particular practice of exchanging hares is documented by representations on ancient Greek vessels. The particular vessels were exhibited at the museum of Louvre as well as at the museum of Cycladic Art in December 2009 with the theme: Eros and Theogonia. The images on the vessels depict the adolescent giving his pedagogue/“lover” a hare as a gift in gratitude for his successful training since he has returned triumphant from the hard ordeal of hunting. In a similar fashion the pedagogue is reversing the offer to his apprentice/”lover” in an attempt of delusion.
The urge of the collector - this primordial instinct of collecting (Sammeltrieb) and the intoxication of the hunting which is blindly obeyed are transformed into a new productive procedure of contracting relationships. The object of desire is now becoming the catalytic component that can activate all the hidden possibilities of contracting relationships during the meeting. The genuine collector that vigorously defends the rebirth of their object only as part of their collection is now inevitably changing identity and from being a possessive liberator he is transformed into contractor of relationships. The intensity of this convergence of the two contracting parties jeopardizes the alienation we have come to feel towards objects in today’s world and their fetishistic nature that undermines every attempt for new contacts. Regarding the vessel’s representation, the perseverance in forming a relationship renders any aesthetic criterion a negligible component compared to the practice of exchange. In this way, we are coming up with a new selection of relations with every artist that participates in this ritual of exchange. And this new relation is a personal contact that generates unique conditions of experience and leads to the forming of a new dialectical reality.
The rabbit, as an exchanging object, is related to the power of children’s games. According to Benjamin’s enlightening thought, the game hides in it the enchantment of utopia. The meaning of things is the outcome of confrontations. It is an unpredictable, momentary emersion into light of correlations that compose reality. As the condenser of collective representations, the rabbit carries at once the properties of the catalyst and of the relic –like an experiment in progress, that trace is triggered and used to cater for the new structures for the conception of the present.
Attempting to create this rabbit-centred collection has given meaning to semantic articulations that concern speech. A speech that lies somewhere between naivety and critical irony – very close actually to the term logopoeia introduced by E. Pound (lagopoeia if we mean to paraphrase him) and refers to the deconstruction of the speaker - the denial of the authoritative ego in purpose of seeking the other. The collection finds its place into the space of others and is based on the possibilities that are revealed through this approach. Thus it instantly admits its imperfections and the lack of completion which done otherwise would lead to the destruction of the collector. So now, the collection creates an open field where blind commitment to the natural is renounced as N.Bourriad points out and in which the drifting of the particular object (here being lagos-logos) lays emphasis on the state of affairs, the fluidity, the destabilization, the shifting of meaning to the differance (J.Derrida).
The collection has been exposed throughout history, since the ancient plunders and the Wunderkammer up to contemporary museums. It constitutes a continuous heterotopia which, when in crises, activates those intermediary spaces where transformations (metamorphoses) and transgressions are realized. Placing the collection into this vague but full of possibilities space will give birth to a new commotion.
The installation Antallag(oi) aims to activate the potential relations of daily reality by creating a platform of exchange which drives the metaphor of the rabbit to its limits. This oxymoron provides the present with the chance to experiment on its historicity. The collection of rabbits is thus rendered an effigy – prope nihil – whose exhibition provides the force needed to secure the open space of meetings.
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Bourriaud, N. (2003). Παγκοσμοποίηση και σύγχυση – Ο κόσμος της τέχνης στην εποχή της οθόνης, μτφρ.Ε.Γιαννοπούλου, στο κατάλογο της έκθεσης Outlook, Αθήνα:Έκδοση Οργανισμός Προβολής Ελληνικού Πολιτισμού Α.Ε.
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Παπαδόπουλος, Π.Σ. (2010). Το μουσείο και οι χώροι του εν δυνάμει. Αθήνα : Principia
Σταυρίδης, Σ. (2010). Μετέωροι Χώροι της ετερότητας, Αθήνα : εκδ. Αλεξάνδρεια
Τζιρτζιλάκης, Γ., (2011). Ο Νίκος Αλεξίου. Ο Καλλιτέχνης ως συλλέκτης, Κριτική+τέχνη, τεύχος4, σελ 189-193
Ανταλλακτήριο/Exchange - Lourve G121, 2011
rabbit cabinet as model for an actual cabinet, 2010
cultural map under rabbit line, 2011
preparation P.Lempesis, 2011
reading grid for Dürer Hase, 2011
excavation for the conscience / J.Beuys explanations, 2011
taschen cover, 2011
perceptual interpretation the duck-rabbit figure, 2011
Θάνατος στο στόμα Μ.Σ., 2011
Fibonacci sequence "How many pairs of rabbits will there be a year from now?", 2012
archiving on the internet is like a rabbit hole - access to infinity, 2012
\\ Κωνσταντίνος Ευαγγέλου \\ Πατρίτσια-Ευγενία Δεληγιάννη \\ Λητώ Κάττου \\Μπέσυ Ράλλη \\ Μαριλένα Σοφοκλέους \\ Κρίστι Γρηγορίου \\ Χριστίνα Σπανού \\ Στέφανος Αθάνατος \\ Μιχαήλ Αμπαζολί \\ Γίωργος Τσακάλης \\ Πολυξένη Μαυρικάκη \\ Βασιλική Πιστικού \\ Τζίνα Δημακοπούλου \\ Γιάννης Μουράβας \\ Δημήτρης Κατσούδας \\ Κλεοπάτρα Δροσοπούλου \\ Δήμητρα Βρετού \\ Ελευθερία Κοτζάκη \\ Κυριάκος Κουσουλίδης \\ Αλέξης Φιδετζής \\ Γιάννης Χειμωνάκης \\ Νατάσα Γεωργακάκη \\ Έφη Παπαϊωάννου \\ Αλεξάνδρα Κατσουρίδου \\ Κλεοπάτρα Τεχλικίδη \\ Ελένη Φυλακτίδη \\ Μάρκος Μωραϊτης \\ Αγγελική Μπόζου \\ Φωτεινή Παλπάνα \\ Χριστίνα-Νίκη Τσακουμάκου \\ Αντώνης Βάθης \\ Λεόντιος Τουμπουρής \\ Σεπετζόγλου Νίκος \\ Βασίλειος Παπαγεωργίου \\ Αναστάσιος Καλιακάτσος \\ Sophie Fardella \\ Δημήτρης Καλόγηρος \\ Νατάσα Ευσταθιάδη \\ Ιβάν Μαστερόπουλος \\ Βασιλική Σηφοστρατουδάκη \\ Βασιλική Τζούτη \\ Αντιγόνη Μιχαλακοπούλου \\ Άννα Γιαρμενίτη \\ Κωστής Κόντος \\Γιάννης Σινιόρογλου \\ Ντόρα Οικονόμου \\ Μαρία Μαρίνου \\ Γαβρίηλ Παγώνης \\ Μαρίνα Σαρματζή \\ Αλέξανδρος Βεργής \\ Άρτεμις Κατσαμπάνη \\ Πένυ Μονογιού \\ Αλίκη Παππά \\ Μιχάλης Αδάμης \\ Σοφία-Χρυσάνθη Τούμπουρα \\ Άντα Αναστασέα \\ Όλγα Ευαγελίδου \\ Olga Micinska \\ Kasper Bosmans \\ Jamile Ahale \\ Novacek Julia \\ Carlos Mayol Gutierrez \\ Roberto Atzori \\ Charlotte Grandgaignage \\ Eva Betjes \\ Isa Janssens \\ Bram van Meervelde \\ Giovanni van Winckel \\ Frederik van Remoorrere \\ Sarah de Wilde \\ Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος \\ Παναγιώτης Παπαδόπουλος \\ Mathias Goyvaerts \\ Isabelle Vanhoute \\ Bert Janssens \\ Koen Huysmans \\ Alecia Pradolini \\ Quinten van Essche \\ Inez Michiels \\ Caroline Kolkman \\ Jochem Harteveld \\ Katinka de Jonge \\ Παύλος Ιωαννίδης \\ Δέσποινα Φλέσσα \\ Ποπή Λέρτα \\ Νίκος Harris \\ Άννα Καρατζά \\ Ιωάννα Γουζέλη \\ Σοφια Κυριακοπούλου \\ Έυα Μαραθάκη \\ Σταμάτιος Γιαννίκης \\ Χρήστος Παπασωτηρίου \\ Παναγίωτης Προφήτης \\ Ινώ Βαρβαρίτη \\ Μάρκος Θεοδώρου \\ Κατερίνα Θεοδωρακοπούλου \\ Andi Comani \\ Μάγδα Βασίλα \\ Ελένη Μπαγάκη \\ Ελένη Αθανασιάδου \\ Αδρίανα Δαούτη \\ Βασίλης Κουτούζης \\ Γιώργος Σακκάς \\ Γιώργος Όϊμπακ \\ Αριστέα Χαρωνίτη \\ Kristian Zara \\ Αλέξης Φιδετζής \\ Μαριάννα Τρώντσιου \\ Χρίστος Μιχαηλίδης \\ Χρύσα Λαμπρακοπούλου \\ Κέλλυ Κουμαριανού \\ Νικόλαος Χατζηκωνσταντής \\ Ελένη Σουμή \\ Μανώλης Δασκαλάκης-Λεμός \\ Αμαλία Αντωνιάδου \\ Μαρήλια Σταγκουράκη \\